Monday, December 21, 2009

The Challenge

RAndee and I put this puzzle together. The directions said for 13 yrs and older. It should have said for age 50 & younger because it took a long time to finish. Many times I threatened to call the puzzle company and insist that they did not send all the pieces but they did.....

Then we tore it down and sent it home with Todd's family so they could have the same fun.

JOhn and Sarah officially engaged!

John and Sarah were in Boise on December 19. It seemed like a good time to go snowmobiling in Cascade. First they carved their initials on a tree.
Then John brought out "THE RING". It is a beautiful square cut diamond set in platinum.

We'll all be there for the wedding on June 12th in Manti. YIPPEE!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thanksgiving in SLC

Laine dressed Randee up as a gypsy. I'm sorry that I misssed the sandals. They were especially appropriate. Ron laughed as he asked, "I wonder if we could have gotten her on the plane?"
There was always a gang at the game table. Notice Lance's beautiful hair.

Randee, Liz's brother David Ence, Laine and Lance all headed for the train station. They went down to Gateway Mall to enjoy the decorations and have lunch.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Brody Freeman Gabrielsen 10-15-09

Brody Freeman Gabrielsen arrived to Chad and Melisa Gabrielsen on 10-15-09 at 12:41 AM.
8 lbs 5 ozs.
19.5 inches

Friday, October 30, 2009

Joyce Piel has old/new Friend

Mr. Who IZT stopped by to visit one night when we were playing cards. Joyce wasn't sure whether to hide (she can't run) so she decided to smile.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Life is good-Will and Kate

Jaimee shared this precious picture with us.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Farewell for Steven & Gabe

These are some pictures that I took at the luncheon following a fantastic Sacrament Meeting.

A Steven and his main squeeze, Jessica Bringhurst.

Notice John posing with his Grandma Doris and a cousin

The quality and quantity of the guests was amazing. Old Friends, new--some from Boise and others drove up from BYU.

Doris, Laurie and Chris (Laurie's brother) arrange the dessert cups.

Kate love the whole party but a girl cannot gets tired.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Time is soon Approaching

Sam's wedding was a blast. One of my favorite parts is being with family. Saren and I took this picture just to be goofy, but I love it. She is going to be an excellent mommy. She is currently taking hypnobirthing classes and getting last details in place. GO SAREN!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cutest Boy at David's farewell

Ben and Randee enjoy the great food. Potatoes in back are for the Easter dinner at 4:30.

Randee Honored by UVU

Randee was honored April 3rd at a ceremony which Liz, Laine, Loriann and Denae attended. Our congratulations on a job well done.

Friday, April 3, 2009

GAbe Called to TONGA

No pictures, but David Andrew Gabrielsen is called to serve in the Tonga Mission. His report date is August 19th.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Missionary Moments

Yes, the rumor is true. The mission papers for David Andrew Gabrielsen are now being processed. Where do you think he will be called?

David gets the news that he has been called to the Arizona Tempe Mission. His farewell will be April 12th at 1:30. He will enter the MTC on April 15th and after his 3 week stay will pick up his already ordered bike and go to work. Watch this column for address.

I am not sure what Katie is doing here, but she surely gets some cute expressions on her face. Katie writes that she is pleased that becoming a member of the church requires some effort on the part of the convert such as baptism. It helps remind them of their commitment.

Reed and his companion, Elder Xie from Cambodia . Reed is nicknamed Elder Too Tall, but he surely looks good to us. This mission is doing very well as far as converts, but the ward is so weak that it has a hard time holding them.