Friday, November 2, 2007

Once upon a time....

A Pregnant Raccoon feel in love with Davy Crockett because he was a really great guy AND liked playing football with her cousin. He liked football so much he told her to swallow one for the little raccoon she was incubating. She didn't like that idea so much and decided to just cheer for Dave and her cousin John on their intramural team instead. The End
29 weeks 3 days pregnant... tiny

At a Halloween party

At an evening football game. It was always hard to take action pictures in the dark so these are of the pre-game events.
Dave warming up before the big intramural football game (which was actually during the day; hooray!). I had some pictures of the game and they turned out alright, but when all was said and done, this was the best one.This was my favorite picture of the game. I finally got a good one!! John pulled this guys flag which made me SO happy because this guy was rude. (But I think John pulled the flag because that is how you are supposed to play the game). I actually took this picture with my eyes closed because they were so close to me!
By the way; I think John's leg is very sexy with his shorts all short like that :)


Gabrielsen Family said...

Thank you so much. I wish I could be there to cheer with you. GMA

Vance Fager Family said...

My favorite is of John grabbing the flag, I KNEW he would get the job done - he always does.

Vance Fager Family said...

LOVE The racoon picture, it is so CUTE!

Benjamin Earl Fager said...

dang those are a fine looking pair of legs

Benjamin Earl Fager said...

dang those are a fine looking pair of legs